Another month has flown by and students at Ribston have continued to impress us! Year 11 got through their mock examinations calmly and with focus and were rewarded with a lovely R&R break in Devon to recharge their batteries before they receive their results and mentoring.
This month saw the Dance show last week which was the best yet as well as the new website area being launched around Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing. This is at the beginning of its development but will focus on promoting student wellbeing and includes a Directory of information for help and support as well as our Wellbeing Calendar.
We are making efforts to improve communication and so we are currently updating our school calendar on our website with all of our events for you to view. The calendar is mobile phone friendly and can be accessed through the following link:,3,4,5,6&pid=3&viewid=1
Friday 13th December is 'Wear your Christmas Jumper' day at school to raise funds for this year's charity hampers which go out to vulnerable families and people who live on their own in the local Gloucester city community. Please can your children bring £1 in on that day to help make a real difference to local families this Christmas. That same evening is the School Christmas concert so please come and join us if you are able to. Information can be found on our website.
Sarah Colombini
School Wellbeing Update
Our Wellbeing theme of the month is Kindness. To celebrate this theme, we decided to carry out various activities to spread kindness throughout the school, focusing on Wednesday 13th November (World Kindness day). Each form had a Kindness Pack which included a little slip of paper for all students to write a kind message to other students and also members of staff.
At Ribston Hall, we recognise and are participating in the World Kindness movement. It has an important purpose to highlight good deeds in the community, focusing on the positive power and the common thread of kindness that binds us together as a community.
Our Wellbeing board ties in with this theme as it encourage students to be kind when they walk past and see it every day.
In December, we are focussing on Thinking of Others and on Tuesday 3rd December, we will be making a pledge to ‘go without’ for 24 hours. We will be supporting Leonard Cheshire, a charity who support individuals to live, learn and work as independently as they choose, whatever their ability.
Our themes can be seen on our Mental Health wellbeing pages on the Ribston Hall High School website so please do go and have a look.
Written by Robyn Hammond, 10D, a Wellbeing Ambassador.
History trip to Berlin- October Half Term
During the October Half Term break, 39 students took the opportunity to visit Berlin on an action-packed History trip. The trip included an array of visits to historically and culturally significant venues all over the capital city, including museums,the Reichstag building and the Olympic Stadium.
The Olympic StadiumAt the Palace of Tears Museum
One of our most poignant visits was to Sachsenhausen concentration camp, opened in 1936 to house political opponents of the Nazi regime. We were able to appreciate the sheer horror and scale of the Holocaust as well as reflect on lessons that can be learnt for our modern world.
Sachsenhausen At the Berlin Wall
The trip really enanced the students' understanding of two of the key GCSE topics-
The Cold War and Weimar & Nazi Germany,for example,being able to see what remains of the Berlin Wall certainly made things much clearer than simply reading about it.
Furthermore, they were also able to explore Berlin and of course find time to indulge in some shopping! The students have made lots of lasting memories whilst also learning a great deal about the history of this fantastic city.
Modern Foreign Languages
Some of Year 12 at the University of Bath
On Friday 8th of November, Year 12 MFL students were given the opportunity to go to University of Bath for a series of talks and lectures to both prepare us for university life and to learn more about the languages and cultures that interest us. For me, this was French, and so after a talk about the courses from Admissions Tutor for the department, I attended a lecture on French language. This was extremely useful for consolidating my knowledge for the A Level course, as well as providing a short, first experience of university lectures.
After lunch, which included a brief tour of the campus, I attended a French Area Studies lecture. This was fascinating, and taught aspects of geography, history, politics, sociology and language all in one as we learned about the neocolonialism behind the term "francophone", used to describe french-speaking countries. The Spanish students attended similar lectures on Latin America and a short film or "cortometraje", called Los Griteros.
At the end of the day, my fellow students and I returned to the main lecture theatre in order to listen to a talk on careers and employability, as well as talks by recent graduates from the department. These allowed us to gain a deeper insight into life studying the courses available, as well as what our lives might look like in the few years after graduating. Overall, this was an extremely enriching visit, and I would like to thank all those who made it possible for us to attend.
Written by Abi Wilson, 12 SF3
Theatre Trip – ‘An Inspector Calls’
On Thursday 7th November the Year 10 and Sixth Form Drama students went on a trip to Malvern Theatres. We saw a live theatre production called ‘An Inspector Calls’ by J. B Priestley. The play is based on the Birling family being visited by a man calling himself Inspector Goole, who questions the family about the suicide of a young working-class woman in her mid twenties. It is a political comment on Victorian and Edwardian English society.
From start to finish this play had me on the edge of my seat. I couldn’t believe how realistic the set looked! There was a building in the middle of the stage which had a balcony. It was set in 1912 and the building really replicated the era. At the beginning of the production there were children playing in the rain - and oh boy did it rain! There was so much water falling on stage, but it really gave the effect of actual rain.
When the main characters all came on stage I was absolutely stunned by Sheila’s dress. She had a beautiful gown that had a bustle and lay around her ankles. It was made from lace and was made in the colour white. She looked so elegant and beautiful. That was until the end where she had made it all dirty from the floor and she looked miserable and messy. This was significant to the play as it showed how she was pure at the beginning of the play and as the secrets were revealed it showed she was vulnerable. This happened to almost all the characters apart from Sybil who managed to stay untainted from the Inspectors harsh investigation.
All together the play was well presented, and I would recommend it to everyone. Don’t want to spoil it for anyone but the Inspector is one crafty fella. Is he who he says he is?
Thank you to all the staff who made this trip possible.
Kaitlin Howley (Year 10)
Year 7 PSHE Day
During our Yr7 PSHE day, we followed the Girls on Board programme. Girls on Board is an approach which helps girls, their parents and their teachers to understand the complexities and dynamics of girl friendships. The language, methods and ideas empower girls to solve their own friendship problems and recognises that they are usually the only ones who can. By empowering girls to find their own solutions, parents need worry less, schools can focus more on the curriculum and the girls learn more effectively – because they are happier.
Students also took a personality test which provided a way to categorise different characteristics or traits that we might otherwise not be aware of. These tests were used for self-reflection, understanding, and for learning how to better interact with others in a team or work group.
Lastly, we embarked on a team challenge, where students worked across tutor groups, in their houses. Congratulations to Saxons who won this.
Successful Saxons
Primary School Partnership STEM Day
On Tuesday 26th November, RHHS welcomed 107 pupils from 7 of our local feeder Primary Schools for our first ever STEM Day. The Year 4, 5 and 6 pupils took part in a carousel of lessons ranging from OhBots to Spaghetti Towers and Rates of Reaction led by our fantastic Science teachers with help from our dedicated Sixth Form Science leaders.
A new partnership with the University of Oxford has enabled us to run training for Primary staff with the aim of deploying practical science boxes in each of our feeder Primary Schools in the near future.
It really was a truly wonderful day proving that working in Partnership can be hugely beneficial to all involved.
My thanks go to the Science Technicians who were instrumental in the planning of the day, the Science teachers who taught engaging and high energy lessons and finally to our Sixth Form Science Leaders who were a credit to the school demonstrating such knowledge, patience, maturity and kindness.
Katharine Pitman, PE Teacher and Primary Partnership Co-ordinator
General Election Hustings, 27th November 2019
On Wednesday, 27th November, Sixth Form students were invited to attend a political hustings in preparation for the upcoming General Election. All four candidates for Gloucester were invited into Ribston in order to answer questions from our students. Richard Graham from the Conservative Party, Fran Boait from the Labour Party and Michael Byfield from the Green Party were all put through their paces in a session that lasted just over an hour. The Liberal Democrat candidate was unfortunately unable to attend.
The students presented the candidates with some very thoughtful and challenging questions, ranging from the complexities of Brexit to the funding of the National Health Service. Many of our students will be voting for the first time on December the 12th and it is hoped that this event will enable them to make an informed decision when they reach the polling booth.
Our thanks are extended to all of the candidates who gave up their time to visit us for this event in a very hectic schedule of campaigning.
Year 11 Residential Trip
After the stressful two weeks of mocks, we, as a year group, set off to Devon on a relaxing spa trip to Ashbury Court Hotel. We were greeted upon arrival with activities such as T-shirt making, bowling and Bollywood dancing. The dancing was a great stress relief!
After this, we then settled into our rooms, enjoyed a buffet dinner (the food was delicious) and then tackled a quiz.
Over the three days of our stay, we completed various activities such as relaxing in the hydro-spa; equipped with a sauna, steam room and a big pool. Also, we danced, played VR sports and made candles.
There was also a sports centre where we played tennis against the teachers. Mrs Duxbury proved to be quite competitive! We then had a talk from previous year 11s (Eloise Hatten and Lauren Smith) with their advice for achieving great GCSE results. On the last night there was a disco and even the teachers joined in!
We all enjoyed our stay and are really grateful for the teachers that accompanied us on our trip. It was a brilliant way to finish off the strenuous mock period and prepare us for results day on the 11th December.
Written by Amelia Pearce and Lizzie Clements, 11R
Sporting News
Congratulations to the U14 Netball team who played extremely well, finishing second in their group at the Gloucestershire County Tournament
The School would like to thank Shaun Chisholme of Integrated Financial Solutions for his very kind sponsorship of our Netball dresses.
Bella Durrant, Year 7, received both the Players Player award and the Hat-trick award on Sunday for the Cheltenham Town U12 Titans! She’s also really excited about being picked for the Sports Leaders training.
Cross Country District Championships
Congratulations to all the runners that took part in the District Cross Country on the 7th November.
Overall we finished in 3rd place, with our Senior Boys and Girls finishing in 1st place.
There were some outstanding performances from our students, notably Seren Jones finishing in impressive style to take 1st place in the Junior competition with Freya Howell coming in behind her to take 2nd. Well done to Ruth Brook who also won the Year 7 race with Ella Hardiman finishing impressively in 3rd.
A great day was had by all
Dawn Barnett
Curriculum Lead – Performance
Events Coordinator
Girls Active – Stepping Up For Change
A group of eight Year 7 students attended the Girls Active Conference with Mrs Stennett which was held at Barnwood Park School. This was part of the Gloucester School Sports Networks Leadership development programme. The event was organised by the Youth Sports Trust and is part of a National initiative aimed at involving girls in planning activities.
At the conference, where 60 other student from different schools took part, the girls were involved in workshops that started to look at what motivates young people to get active.
Annie Vernon, the Olympic Silver Medallist in Rowing in the 2008 Games, was the Athlete Mentor. She told her story and explained how short term goals can help you to achieve great success.
Following on from this event the girls have introduced their initiative to the whole of year 7 in an assembly. They explained that they will be consulting with the girls, via an online survey, and plan a club that everyone is able to attend. The club will start in the New Year.
Cheryl Stennett
SGO / Network Manager
School Sports Network
Dance News
Gloucester Cathedral Performance
In October, youth singers and dancers from St Peter’s High School, Ribston Hall High School and Denmark Road High School, in collaboration with members of Gloucester Choral Society and University of Gloucestershire, performed highlights from Howard Goodall’s “Eternal Light”, accompanied by Gaudeamus Youth Strings.
Ribston dancers had rehearsals through a series of 8 workshops taken by Miss Phillips and the Dance Degree Course Leader, Hilary Smith at The University of Gloucestershire.
For the final performance, the audience were treated to an accompaniment of the music led by the Cathedral Choristers as well as the opportunity to view the 'Under The Moon' installation.
Ribston Dance Performance
Last week, we celebrated our Annual Dance Showcase 2019. Over 110 students took part to put on a thrilling performance of many different styles and genres of dance; Ballet, Jazz, commercial, Contemporary, Acro and Tap to name but a few. The students worked hard from the beginning of September to rehearse, choreograph and improve their techniques to produce a total of 23 numbers to perform, in front of over 300 friends and family!
A big well done from Miss Phillips for all of the hard work every dancer put in to make the evening such a success. Special thanks go to Charlotte Frall, Ellena Hunt, Hannah Baker and the two Dance Captains, Amy Willcocks and Katie Bacon for their help with choreography. All dancers should be very proud of themselves.
The Dance department is bursting with pride and extremely happy with another successful showcase!
World Tap Dance Championships
Congratulations to student Katie Rowley who will be representing GB in the forthcoming World Tap Dance Championships in Germany. She will be competing in the junior trio small group and formation. We would like to wish her all the best of luck.
Duke of Edinburgh Award
Well done to the following students for recently completing their Bronze DofE:
Last year our DofE participants completed an amazing 923 hours of learning a new skill, 949 hours of a Physical activity and 936 hours of volunteering. Well done to you all.
We’re dreaming of a GREEN Christmas
We are asking for a Christmas donation for our new “Wild and Well” garden.
Our students have decided Ribston should have an outdoor space where students can take time out, enjoy and be mindfully connected to nature, they also felt strongly we should increase the biodiversity within our school grounds.
During last enrichment week our creative and thoughtful Year 9 and 10 students imaginatively designed what they would like this area to look like and to include.
Ideas include:
*a pond and stream recycling water though a solar powered stream,
*hedgehog and bird houses
*a mural created by students
*seating areas under orchard trees that could supply the kitchens with organic fruit and vegetable beds
We would love our first projects to be:
1) Making raised vegetable beds for students to grow and tend plants that provide food for use in school.
2) Planting along the new security fence near the main gate to make the garden space feel more enclosed.
3) Making a mural out of plastic bottle lids
Please could you look in the back of your sheds and ask family for items you no longer use, such as: Sleepers, earth and compost, climbers and vegetable plants, orchard trees, medium shrubs, gardening equipment, for example: spades, trowels, gardening gloves and secateurs and if possible a small shed to store our equipment in.
If you would like to donate a small sum of money towards this whole school project please go to the school ParentPay site and find “We’re dreaming of a GREEN Christmas” Any donations will very gratefully be received and really make a difference to the space.
We envisage spending a weekend day in the spring term building and planting and really beginning to bring this project to life so would also like your time because without you and your support, this initiative that our young people have requested may not flourish.
Please contact Mrs Heard on ah@ribstonhall.gloucs.sch if you would like to be involved in any way you can.
A huge thank you to the parents and students who have already generously donated £250 towards this project.
Chasing the Olympic Dream
Former Ribston pupil, 17-year-old, Éire Rowland-Evans has been selected for Team GB, British girls’ mono-bob squad, and will be hoping for success at the Youth Games in Lausanne next year.
Éire, who is currently studying A Levels at Cheltenham Ladies College, has represented England Girls at Tug of War; and regularly competed in swimming, rugby and athletics.
Éire competed for Great Britain in Race 1 and 2 of the Omega Youth Series in Lillehammer in October and was placed 11th and 15th in what was the first competition of the new season for any BBSA (British Bobsleigh & Skeleton Association) athletes.
Éire Rowland-Evans, (2nd left), with the other members of Team GB
The Youth Olympic Winter Games takes place in Lausanne between January 9 and 22 next year, with the mono-bob races scheduled for the home of sliding in St Moritz on January 19 and 20.