Careers Conversations
We have continued to welcome 'old girls' back to Ribston to speak to students about their career paths. Each talk has been inspirational and our speakers have been proof that even if things do not go to plan, a successful route can be found. A key message of advice to students has been to be open to, and grab all opportunities that might come their way.
In November, we heard from Holly Middleton-Spencer, who is working towards her PhD at Newcastle University (pictured with two sixth form students).
She uses Maths, Computing and Physics in her daily work as she studies Bose-Einstein condensates. Working in academic research is perhaps not a common choice for many, but Holly spoke positively about the opportunities for travel and working collaboratively with international colleagues.
We were joined by Harriet Evans in December, who talked of using her love for History (developed by Mr James) to work in the travel industry. She described wanting to “show people history” rather than just talk about it and how her sense of adventure, travel and curiosity all started at Ribston.
January has been busy with Emma Schaffert, Rese
arch Technician at Bartlett Tree Experts flying in from the States to speak to students about careers in Arboriculture. She talked so passionately about working with trees and how each tree needs a champion that everyone left feeling positively inspired about a previously unknown industry. We also watched a video of a 'good' mite eating a 'pest' mite… the goriest thing we have seen so far in our careers talks!
Finally, this month, we wrapped January up with a talk from marketing and PR expert, Lauren Bajdala-Brown who works for global wines & spirits company Diageo. She spoke to students about how she uses social media influencers to promote her brands and creates partnerships between celebrities and alcoholic beverages. All of this came about from studying a degree in Languages and actively following up opportunities that were open to her.
As ever, we thank our former Ribstonians for taking the time to visit and talk to our students. We would like to encourage more students to attend these talks as they are so useful for careers research, particularly if you have no firm ideas about what you might like to try in the future.
Coming up in February, it is National Apprenticeship Week (3rd to 9th) which will be marked with a week of events including an “Ask the Panel” session in assembly.
We will be also be welcoming family law barrister and judge Katie Henry on the 13th of February, for Careers Conversation #7. All students are welcome.
Ms Haines Careers Adviser/School Librarian