Subject News
Food Science –A level students attend a Summer School at Cardiff Metropolitan University
We attended a food science course that included understanding food labelling, food in industry, sensory analysis and food fraud. We were able to use our creativity and knowledge to create a new product that related to a brief. We were also able to visit a nearby factory to see for ourselves the processes that take place to make a sellable product. If you are interested in having a career in the food industry OR are just interested in food I would highly recommend this course! Written by Rhian Smith, Year 13 Food Science student.

Religious Studies Day commemorating the ‘International Day of Peace’
The International Day of Peace ("Peace Day") is observed around the world each year on 21 September. Established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution, Peace Day provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace. To commemorate this day the R.S. department ran a selection of activities to enable students to reflect on conflict around the world and how we can reach peace; including poetry for peace, debating famous statements about peace and conflict, and labelling places that were currently in conflict and reflecting on this. The R.S. department looks forward to running a similar lunchtime to celebrate Diwali after half term.

Modern Foreign Language Bake Off Returns!
Monday, October 15th saw the return of the famous MFL Bake Off. The two main categories were International Bakes and International Showstoppers. The overall winner was Aaminah Saleem for her topical and innovative Royal Wedding Crown. Star Baker awards were also won by Amelia Villacis, Isabel Kear, Jenaye Kelly-Smith, Sangeetha Joshy, Amelie Owen, Isabella Smith, Zaina Grainwalla, Millie Sharpe and Eve Wheaton for overall taste experience, creative design and technical excellence.

Once again the MFL Department was amazed by the high standard and the sheer volume of entries. This helped to make Open Evening a great success. All profits from the cake sales will go to Macmillan Cancer Support and World Challenge. The MFL Department would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who contributed.
History & Art - First World War Commemoration
With the centenary of the end of the First World War approaching on November 11th 2018, Ribston Hall History and Art Departments have recently taken part in two exciting projects.
On our Open Evening, on Monday 15th October, the History Department invited visitors to take part in the Royal British Legion’s ‘Everyone Remembered’ campaign; a truly historic and incredibly significant act of Remembrance. The Royal British Legion, as the UK’s national custodian of Remembrance is working with the Commonwealth War Graves Commission to keep alive the memory of all those who died in the First World War by the end of the centenary in 2018. Their objective is to ensure every fallen hero from across the Commonwealth is remembered individually by those living today.

Visitors to Ribston on Monday were invited to use the online database to search for a soldier and remember him by writing his name on a cross, which could be taken away or left as part of our remembrance display. You can still get involved, whether or not you already have someone in mind to remember. Just search for any name on the homepage and follow a couple of simple steps. You can ‘plant’ a digital poppy, write a remembrance message and even upload photos and a story if you have them. You can also find out about other remembrance activities on the Royal British Legion website:
Remembrance poppies are available for a donation from now until November 11th at school. Students can also come along to the history Department and add a soldier’s name to our display.
In July 2018, the Art Department took part in the ‘Glos 100 WWI Art Competition: Winning Hearts and Minds’ in conjunction with Gloucester Guildhall. Selected students from our current Year 9 submitted some fantastic photographs around this theme and we are delighted to announce that 3 of the students have won prizes! We will have a visit from the competition organiser to award the prizes and give a talk about the First World War shortly.
Here are some of the photographs that were submitted.