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Ribston Hall High School

Ribston HallHigh School

RibstonRoar 24th November 2017

RibstonRoar 24th November 2017

Ribston Roar 24th November 2017


29th November     Year 13 Language Workshop at Stroud High School

30th November     Year 11 Transition Meeting for students and parents -  

 4.30 for 5pm in The Hall Sixth Form Open Evening – 6pm – 8pm; Talks  at   6pm, 7pm and 7.45pm

1st December          Primary School Dance Festival in the Hall (Evening)

4th& 5th December     GCSE Art Mock Examination

5th December         Year 10 and Year 11 Sports Leaders to Key Stage 1 Christmas Event at

                                  Oxstalls Tennis Centre

7th December          Year 10 Parents Evening, 4.30 – 7pm

9th December          Senior Choir singing at Painswick Church (evening)

10th December        Senior Choir singing in Nine Lessons and Carols Service                                         at St. Barnabas Church (evening)

11th-15th December   Year 11  GCSE Mock Language Speaking Tests

13th & 14th December           A Midsummer Night’s Dream Production 7pm Tickets available

                                    from the School Office £5

14th December         Christmas Lunc

18th December         Christmas Concert 7pm – Tickets available from Receptio

20th December         End of Term 12.30pm

Mary Jess Concert at Gloucester Cathedral

On Thursday 16th November the Ribston Hall High School Senior Choir joined former student and International Professional Singer Mary Jess in a concert held in the Chapter House in the Cathedral. The choir accompanied Mary Jess as well as performing their own piece. The choir will be singing in three other performances in December at Painswick Church, St Barnabas Church, Tuffley and in the Christmas Concert at school.

Christmas Lunch

Thursday 14th December – orders must be placed using ParentPay by Monday 4th December.

Stroud Road

Stroud Road is a busy main road into the City Centre, please would everyone take care when using the road both in the mornings and in the evenings. In particular, please would parents not park adjacent to the footpath exit when collecting their daughter’s / son’s at the end of the school day. There are several school buses as well as service buses using the area between Tuffley Avenue and Linden Road between 3.25 and 3.40pm.

Spirit of Ambition Week 2018

We have traditionally collapsed the school timetable during the penultimate week of the Summer Term and organised a variety of activities, trips and visits as part of our Enrichment Programme. In 2018 the theme is ‘Spirit of Ambition’ and will be led by different Curriculum Areas for each Year Group. We are not envisaging any Residential Trips in 2018, however there will be some offsite activities and visits which will be optional. The programme will be finalised shortly and we will be writing to parents with the proposed programme for their daughter /son’s year group.

Proposed School Trips (Residential) 2018 – 2020

The list at the end of this edition of Ribston Roar shows the proposed Residential Trips for each Year Group over the next two years – some are confirmed others planned.

Good Luck to:

Katie Rowley and Libby Danvers are representing Team GB in the World Tap Dancing Championships which are taking taking place in Reisa, Germany. Between  27th Nov - 1st Dec

Design Visit to London

On 17th November, a group of Art and Graphics students in years 9, 10 and 11 were taken on a trip to London. We had to be at school very early on Friday morning where Mr Collins, Mrs Adorisio, Ms Field and Miss Lapham were waiting for us to board the coach. After an uneventful journey into London, our first stop, in Kensington, was the Design Museum where the graphics students left the coach, the Design Museum is dedicated to Product, Industrial, Architectural and Graphic Design, so the perfect choice for any of our students interested in these areas.

The rest of us headed straight for The National Portrait Gallery in central London near Trafalgar Square. The museum was opened in 1856 and was designed to collect portraits from the 16th Century until today. Once we were inside the museum we split off into small groups and were allowed to discover the exhibitions for ourselves. Our group looked at Renaissance portraits, 20th Century paintings and photography. I particularly liked a selection of photographs that depicted life in The Clifton Estate, a Nottingham Council Estate, the pictures were taken showing the residents taking part in a huge range of activities that they enjoyed.

There is such a huge range of portraits that unfortunately we would not have enough time on this visit to be able to see all of them, we were on a tight schedule! After visiting our chosen parts of the museum, we made a quick stop in the shop for postcards, gifts and souvenirs.

Next, due to it being a beautiful crisp cold sunny day, we were able to picnic in Trafalgar square with the lions. After our short break in the sunshine watching the busy world of London go by, we got back on the coach and headed to The Victoria and Albert Museum. This is the world’s largest museum of Decorative Arts and Design, for those of you who have been to London it is near the Science Museum and the Natural History Museum. The V&A covers 12.5 acres and has over 145 galleries, the collections date from ancient times to the present day. This museum is so enormous that you would probably need a week to see everything! Unfortunately, we only had a few short hours, so we had to really make what we saw count. Again, we split into small groups and were able to look at specific exhibitions that we were drawn to. One of the galleries my group and I really wanted to see was the Fashion Collection, this shows fashion, fabric and accessories from 1750 to the present day. We found it fascinating to see how clothing has changed over time and decided that we didn’t fancy some of the constricting dresses worn in Victorian times, where waists were tiny and skirts huge. We then took time to do some sketching of an object of our choice, and all did a different sketch of something that we liked personally, our group drew; a Buddha, a brooch and a model of a building. After the fashion exhibition, we went to the Architecture, Jewellery, Asian and Middle Eastern Art Collections. Unfortunately, our time ran out again far too quickly and before we knew it our time was up, we only just had enough time to dash in to the shop and again get some souvenirs and postcards.

We then boarded the coach for the early evening battle through the traffic of central London and the journey back to Ribston. We arrived back at school at 8.30pm, all extremely tired but inspired by all the amazing art we had managed to pack into the day. Thank you to Mr Collins in particular for organising a truly spectacular day.

Violette Miller 9R