Thursday 14th September | Year 7 Information Evening for Parents 6pm; Year 12 Information Evening for Parents, 6pm |
Saturday 16th September | Entrance Test for September 2018 |
Wednesday 20th September | Oxford University Event at Ribston Hall [see below] |
Thursday 21st September | Speech Day |
Friday 22nd September | Sixth Form to Bristol for University and Apprenticeship Fair |
Sunday 24th September 11am | RHA Treasure Hunt [see below] |
Wednesday 27th to Friday 29th September | Year 7 Residential at Croft Farm |
Thursday 28th September | Year 8 Information Evening for Parents, 6pm |
Saturday 30th September and Sunday 1st October | Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh Assessed Expedition |
Mrs Barrett joins the Social Sciences Team to teach Psychology; Mrs Brook and Mrs Miller join the English Team; Mrs Duxbury and Ms Jeffery join the Mathematics Team; Mr Jones and Mrs Wendzina join the Computing and Languages Team. Dr O'Sullivan has returned to teach Economics covering a Maternity Leave.
We would also like to welcome new students in Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12.
Students are expected to attend at least two evening events and have a Day off in lieu 31st October 2017 the following indicates which events they will attend:
An invitation to students and parents in Years 9-13 was sent home last week. Please RSVP to
This is a Walking Treasure Hunt around the area surrounding Ribston Hall High School.
First prize - £50
Please book a place for your family team via Parent Pay. You may also order Pizza at £4 per pizza, again via Parent Pay.
Please be aware parking will be at the back of school as Stagecoach Theatre Arts use Ribston Hall on Sunday mornings
Please would parents apply for Free School Meals, if you think you may qualify (link below)
Even if you daughter / son brings a packed lunch to school there are many financial advantages if you qualify for Free School Meals, both for parents and for the School. It allows the school to be able to support your so daughter / son with the cost of resources or trips that take place during the school day.
If you son / daughter does qualify for Free School meals this is just a reminder that the free lunch can be: either the hot meal of the day ( either meat or vegetarian ) plus a hot pudding or piece of cake; or the cold meal deal of half a baguette and a piece of cake or fruit; or a pasta pot and a piece of cake or fruit.
The Free School lunch should be taken at lunch time, and any break time snacks paid for using the student's account.
If parents would particularly prefer their daughter / son to have their free lunch at break time, please speak to the catering manager and it can be arranged.
If your daughter / son has any kind of specific dietary requirement please ask them to speak to the Catering Manager to arrange for these requirements to be met, or speak to Mrs Woodcock in the first instance.
We are running a special careers event in the school on the afternoon of October 18th. If you are a former Ribston student (Alumnae!) or know any former student who would like to share their careers story we would love to hear from you. Please contact Mr Barnard for further details.