We are very proud of our commitment to running each year a Peer Mentoring program. Peer Mentors are recruited from our Year 12 students, and they work with younger students throughout the school. Peer Mentors are trained and supported in their role by Mrs Sue Brewster and the rest of the Wellbeing Team.

What is Peer Mentoring?
- Peer Mentoring involves students supporting each other in a structured scheme. Sixth Form Peer Mentors offer support to younger members of the school, dealing with all aspects of life – academic, social and family.
- This support is usually offered one-to-one but may on occasion involve helping a group of students solve a problem or come to a resolution.
- The key to successful Peer Mentoring is being able to build a constructive relationship.
Peer Mentors are leaders who serve as role models in their school community
- They listen
- They communicate effectively
- They are role models through their actions & behaviours
- They are practical and resourceful
- They guide and encourage
- They are kind and dedicated
- They offer support
- They are non-judgemental & open-minded
- They are responsible, they show up on time and follow through with tasks
- They are genuine
If you would like to work with a Peer Mentor please speak to your Head of Year or someone in Wellbeing and we will arrange for one of our Peer Mentors to make contact with you.
Or if you see one of the team around school (they have red Peer Mentor badges) then please just say hello!